Job Description
Job Title: Part – time Project worker
Responsibility: To report to the Line Manager
Responsible for: Assisting the Team Leader with the delivery and organisation of the Tallaght Wide Aftercare
Objective: To support the planning, development and delivery of appropriate services for people in the Tallaght area that are stable or drug and alcohol free. The Aftercare service caters for individuals progressing to the final stage of the recovery process
Hours of Work: This is a part time position (26hrs) point 1 on Social Care Worker Scale
Professional Qualifications and Experience
Minimum 2 years’ experience with third level relevant qualifications.
Experience of working in a therapeutic setting and working within a multi-disciplinary team
Be competent and experienced in facilitating group therapy sessions in particular, relapse prevention groups.
Skilled in task-oriented Key working , Case Management and Care Planning
Demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of addiction and stages of recovery.
Good interpersonal and listening skills
Excellent record keeping and reporting skills are required for this role, knowledge of ECASS and HRB Link System
Demonstrate a good knowledge of the addiction process
Ability to work on their own initiative
ACI membership desirable
To support the Team Leader in identifying the needs of the Tallaght Wide Aftercare Services (TRP) clients in their continuum of care.
Facilitate therapeutic groups- relapse prevention etc.
Facilitate individual key working interventions with clients
Conduct assessments and outreach presentations
To keep and maintain effective record systems in respect of participant interventions and in line with
To work as a member of a team in order to fulfil the policies, aims and mission statement objectives of Tallaght Rehabilitation Project Clg
To work in a professional and objective manner with people accessing the service.
To liaise and network with other agencies – i.e. statutory, voluntary and community.
This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities. The Management may review this job description from time to time to reflect the needs of the organisation and our target group.
This post is subject to funding the post is funded by the TDATF.
Tallaght Rehabilitation Project Clg is an equal opportunities employer
Garda Vetting will apply to this post
Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday 11th September 2020 all applications to be sent to Interview date to be announced after short listing