Carlow County Development Partnership CLG
Carlow County Development Partnership is the Local Development Company for Carlow. Our corporate purpose is to enable communities in Carlow realise their social and economic potential. We achieve our corporate purpose by researching, designing and delivering high impact social, economic and environmental community projects.
The Connecting Communities project seeks to address the digital divide in Carlow. A digital divide is best summarised as the gap between ‘the haves and have-nots’. Like every developed nation, Ireland is going through a process of disruptive technological change. Whilst this change brings welcome investment and opportunity, it also highlights the gap between the digitally connected and the rest of the population. The digitally connected cohort is ahead of the curve and well positioned to catch the next wave of change – which is referred to as the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution by the world Economic Forum. With 25% of the Irish population excluded from an increasingly digital society because of socio-economic reasons (Bridging the Gap – Irelands Digital Divide. Accenture Report 2020), there is a risk that the ‘digitally disengaged’ section of society risks further isolation as communication and social interaction continue to move on line e.g., Government services, professional services, internet banking and online shopping.
Carlow County Development Partnership has a proven track record of delivering supports and services to those experiencing social and/or economic disadvantage. In response to research findings and policy direction, we now want to focus on building a client-centred response to addressing the digital divide in Carlow.
The Connecting Communities has two strands namely;
Establishing a pop-up training service
Establishing domestic digital hubs in up to 20 private residential houses.
This tender focuses on establishing a pop-up training service only.
Please see Tender Document attached below for further information.
Date for Receipt of Tender
Tenders should be marked ‘Connecting Communities – Pop-Up Training Service’ and forwarded to Mary Lawlor, Chief Executive Officer at on or before 5pm on Tuesday, 8th of December, 2020. All tenders submitted will be acknowledged.