St. Michael’s House is a community based organisation committed to providing a quality person centred service and high standard of living to people with an intellectual disability in the greater Dublin area. St. Michael’s House is committed to providing individualized supports to people so that they can enjoy experiences, opportunities and lifestyles similar to their peers.
Vacancies currently exist for full-time, fixed term, three year direct support worker roles in residential, day services and training centres based in South Dublin. These locations are based in Goatstown, Dundrum and Rathgar.
Residential posts are a 39 hour week contract while day services are contracted for a 35 hour week.
Key duties associated with the role:
Support people who use the service within their community
Provide supported employment
Health and Safety
House Hold Duties
Personal Care
Report writing
Key working role (Individual plans)
Essential Criteria for Applicants:
Minimum of FETAC level 5 in a relevant principal
Have a minimum of 12 months post qualification experience working and supporting with people with Intellectual Disabilities
Experience working with Challenging Behaviors
Full Clean Driver’s License
Ability to work as part of a team
Salary Scale: Successful candidates will be paid in line with HSE revised consolidated Care Assistant pay scale (point 1: 24,529 per annum to point 15: €36,680 per annum based on a 39 hour week)
Closing date for receipt of applications is: 5pm on Friday the 9th of December 2016
To apply: Email a cover Letter and C.V. to
Please outline in your cover letter your suitability for the role taking into account the essential criteria in the above advert. Only candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted and remember to include a valid email address as this is the way you will contacted.