Project Worker, Homeless Services
The Project Worker keyworks and provides practical support to families and/or individuals during their engagement with COPE Galway Homeless Services with a focus on assisting to source and secure appropriate accommodation. The successful candidate will be employed within COPE Galway’s residential and non-residential services on a rotational basis, including:
Short Term Accommodation facilities for single homeless people and for families
Support to families and single people residing in Private Emergency Accommodation
A Day Centre and Outreach service for people at risk of rough sleeping
Resettlement, Tenancy Support and Community Based Housing
A seasonal Cold Weather Response
There are a number of available posts with initial assignments being:
1 X 39 hours (specific purpose), Osterley Lodge
1 X 30 hours (specific purpose), COPE Galway Families Service
1 X 25 hours (one year fixed-term), COPE Galway Day Centre (Essential Car Users)
Variety of Cold Weather Response posts
Support Worker, Homeless Services
The Support Worker provides practical assistance and support to families and/or individuals during their stay in COPE Galway Residential Homeless Services. The successful candidate will be employed within COPE Galway’s
homeless services on a rotational basis, including:
Short Term Accommodation facilities for single homeless people and for families
A seasonal Cold Weather Response
There are a number of available posts with initial assignment being:
COPE Galway Family Hub, 32 hours (2 years fixed term)
Cold Weather Response, 39 hours (specific purpose)
Relief Support Worker, Homeless Services
There are multiple vacancies available. The Relief Support Worker provides practical assistance and support to families and/or individuals during their engagement with COPE Galway Residential
Homeless Services. As part of a team, they ensure the smooth and safe operation of the services to which they are assigned. They are inducted in and assigned to one or two of our services. A range of shifts are offered including days, waking nights and sleepovers. Our services operate on a 24/7 basic 365 days a year. This can serve as an introduction to homeless services for people who are new to this area of work.
Job descriptions and person specifications are available at:
The Deadline for receipt of CV and cover letter is Monday, November 21st. Please send to
Informal enquiries can be made to Sinéad Carey: