Invitation to Express an Interest in Service Provision – CHO 1 Mental Health Services

Work Brief
CHO1 Mental Health service are committed to the delivery of a high quality person centred model of care to all of those who access our services. Under the SRF Programme IPS was established in the 3 areas as identified above and has proved to be beneficial to service users. CHO1 wish to continue to support interventions that facilitate service user’s pathway to employment.
Individual Placement and Support is a well-defined approach using a proven, evidence based methodology to help people with mental health difficulties find and keep competitive employment.
The philosophy of the Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment is that anyone is capable of undertaking competitive paid work if the right kind of job and work environment can be found and the right support is provided.
Individual Placement and Support is based on eight key principles.
The eight principles that underpin IPS practice are:
Zero exclusion
Competitive employment is the goal
Employment Specialists are integrated with community mental health teams.

Rapid job search
Individual job preferences
Employment specialists engage with employers based upon their client’s preferences
On-going time-unlimited support is provided
Personalised benefits counselling
The employment specialists will work as a member of the community mental health teams to provide Individual placement and Support intervention for service users.
The successful agency will work in partnership with the HSE mental health service to achieve the aims of the project in accordance with best practice.
Performance review
The process of service reviews will include provision of monthly key performance indicators and engagement in the formal fidelity review of IPS scale based on a monthly report.
Employee will engage in supervision with their line manager who must also access supervision.
Service provider will engage in regular meetings with the HSE lead for the project and as appropriate with the clinical team.
Submission of Expression of Interest
The budget available is a maximum of €25,505.83 per 6 months.
This is to include salary, PRSI, Non pay-includes travel and subsistence, ICT and phone and administration fee.
Prices must be all inclusive, be expressed in Euro only. Full details on pricing should be supplied. The VAT rate(s) where applicable should be indicated separately.
Please confirm that all prices quoted will remain valid for the duration of the contract commencing from closing date of receipt of expression of interest.

All requests for clarification on service provision can be directed to
Sligo Leitrim:
Cavan Monaghan:
For finance queries please contact
Evaluation of Expressions of Interest
Evaluations will be made including reference to the following qualification criteria:
Quality of proposal in keeping with provision of individual placement support.
Value for money.
Evidence of compliance with financial regulations and governance, HR practices.
Knowledge and experience of employment for mental health service users.
All expressions of interest must be clearly marked “Individual Placement and Support” and must be submitted no later than Wednesday 18th November 2020 at 4pm by post.

Postal Address:
Individual Placement Support Applications
Ms Rosaline Keenan
Senior Manager Service Reform
Support Services Building
H18 DE78

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