Project Counsellors
The board of management now seeks Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified addiction Counsellors who will join our panel to deliver sessional counselling to individuals over the age of 18 who seek support through the project. A panel of Counsellors will be created for this project, which will be matched to the needs of the individual wishing to avail of the services on an ongoing basis.
Essential Criteria:
Hold full accredited membership with ACI, IACP, IAHIP or equivalent.
A recognised and accredited Level 7 qualification (QQI) (Minimum in Counselling or Psychotherapy)
Demonstrated experience of working in a professional capacity with individuals living with addiction.
The ideal candidates will also have:
Knowledge and familiarity using online video tools as a means to provide counselling services.
Demonstrated familiarity with GDPR and the IT capability to manage appointments, case notes, databases and submit invoices in a timely, secure and confidential manner.
Applicants must show proof of insurance to provide such services, and active regular Supervision as per the guidelines of their Accrediting Body.
To apply,
please submit your CV (including reference contact details), evidence of qualifications, accreditation and insurance to
The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 8th April 2022 at 5pm.