Out of Hours Assistant Case Support Worker (Part-Time) – Midlands Simon Community

Overall Purpose of the Role:
To respond to the needs of individuals sleeping rough or in need of support outside of daytime working hours in an outreach capacity.

Our Mission
To develop strategies to prevent people from becoming homeless in the Midlands.
To improve the quality of life for clients who might find themselves homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in the Midlands, through the provision of accommodation and services which support and empower people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Campaign for the right to appropriate accommodation and services for those who are homeless, and challenge the causes of injustice, inequality and social exclusion.

Midlands Simon Community is committed to:
Working in solidarity and partnership with people affected by homelessness and striving for social and economic justice, social inclusion and equality of opportunity.
Believing in the power of individuals to make informed choices and so to recognise the rights of individuals to actively participate in decision making processes that affect them.
Challenging structures that serve to marginalise, discriminate against and exploit people who experience homelessness.
The fundamental concept of equality.

The distribution of power which does not discriminate on grounds such as age, gender, political beliefs, race, ethnicity, class, religion, disability, sexual orientation or membership of the Travelling Community.
Please email the following to d.oconnor@midlandssimon.com by 6:00pm Friday 6th November 2020:

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