SICAP Youth Further Education Support Worker (Northside)
A vacancy has arisen for a part-time (approx. 7 hours per week, to a maximum of 267 hours annually) Youth Further Education Support Worker to support a collaborative project by PAUL Partnership, Moyross Community Hub, and other stakeholders. The overall purpose of the role is to work with a cohort of young people from the Northside of the city who are identified as being at risk of dropping out of Further Education courses, and where additional educational supports may not otherwise be available. The project aims to support young people to successfully transition to, and remain in, Further Education.
SICAP Community Development Officer (Temporary Contract)
A vacancy has arisen for a part-time (21 hours per week) Community Development Officer supporting PAUL Partnership’s activities in providing community development support for local groups and communities. The overall purpose of the role will be support the delivery of a range of well-organised, imaginative, quality projects and capacity building supports for community groups. A key part of this role will be to support community engagement and group development with the Limerick City Traveller Community.
Job Descriptions
and Application Forms can be downloaded from the PAUL Partnership website:
Only electronic applications will be accepted. Completed application forms by e-mail to
Closing date for applications is 5.00pm Friday 8th January 2020