Campaigns / Simon Week Administrator – Cork Simon Community

Cork Simon Community works in solidarity with men and women who are homeless in Cork, offering housing and support in their journey back to independent living. We promote a socially just society and campaign for a society without homelessness.

The Community works to a set of six core values: Community, Diversity, Social Justice, Voluntarism, Commitment to Care and Inclusion.

Cork Simon Community are currently recruiting for the following post:

Campaigns/Simon Week Administrator (Fixed Term Contract until 09 October 2015)

Role Objective: Working as a member of the Campaigns & Communications team, the Campaigns / Simon Week Administrator will support the activities and functions of the Campaigns & Communications Department and assist in planning, co-ordinating and delivering Simon Week.

Key tasks include:

Contribute to the planning of all Simon Week activities, including assistance in identifying and inviting speakers, contributors and participants in various Simon Week events
Assistance in identifying, arranging and organising suitable venues for various Simon Week events
Liaising with and co-ordinating contributions from various participants
Providing administrative back-up for Campaigns & Communications and Simon Week Planning
Help ensure the smooth running of all Simon Week events
Assist in securing adequate media coverage before, during and after Simon Week
Assist in sourcing and generating social media / web content relating to Simon Week
Assist in Event Management for all events associated with Simon Week

The ideal candidate for this post will:

    Be proficient and confident in using:

Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Graphic Design & Layout Software, Databases, Website Maintenance software, Social Media User Interfaces, camera and video equipment, WordPress
Have excellent organisational and administrative skills
Have excellent communication skills
Have excellent creative skills
Have 1-2 years’ experience in a similar role

The role is full time (35 hours per week) until the end of July and is part time (average 20 hours per week) until the contract end on 9 October 2015.

Application Forms and a Role Profile and Personal Specification are available on our website or can be requested by e-mail or by telephone 021 4929408.

The closing date for receipt of completed Application Forms is 2pm Thursday 7 May 2015. Interviews will take place on 11 May 2015.

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