Course Director / Manager – Open Training College – Dublin

Prospect Hall, Willowfield Park, Goatstown, D 14.

The Open Training College is a provider of third level education to staff working in services for people with a disability and in the human services/non-profit sector. Programmes lead to QQI (Qualifications and Quality) awards at Levels 5 to 8 on the National Framework of qualifications.


1) Course Director/Manager – Management Programmes

2) Course Director/Manager – Social Care Programmes

1) Course Director/Manager – Management Programmes

This is a generic Grade relating to the Course Director/Manager role at Grade VII within the Open Training College. Persons appointed will be assigned an area of responsibility for a defined period. The areas of responsibility assigned may change over time depending on the work of the College.

For the initial period of appointment this post relates to the suite of current and future Higher Education Management Programmes run by the College.

The Course Director/Manager has responsibility for the effective day-to-day running, management and on-going development of all aspects of his/her assigned area. As a senior member of the College team, the Course Director/Manager contributes to College management and strategic development including income generation.

Essential Requirements for this post are:

A minimum of four years experience working on the front-line in services for people with a disability and/or in other community/voluntary areas
A minimum of three years working in a management /person-in-charge role in services for people with a disability
A primary degree (preferably Level 8) and a Masters qualification (Level 9) in a relevant area (e.g. Social Studies/ Care, Management, Education and Training, Equality, Disability, Online Learning, Management, Community Development)
Either the primary degree or the Masters qualification must be in the area of Management
Interest in studying at Level 10 – Doctorate
Experience of delivering adult education and/or staff training
A comprehensive understanding of the social model of disability, social policy and equality and person centred planning
Skills relevant to course development (e.g. design, writing, editing)
Excellent organisational, team-working and interpersonal skills
Vision in relation to the ongoing development of services for people with disability and related staff training needs
Experience of the relevant accreditation system i.e. (QQI) or equivalent
Competence in relation to use of computers for educational purpose
Project management skills and experience

Information on the College: Queries and Job Description

Application by CV to The Open Training College, Prospect Hall Willowfield Park, Goatstown, D.14 or by email to

Closing date: January 22nd 2016

Interviews date: 16th or 17th February 2016 (to be confirmed)

2) Course Director/Manager – Social Care Programmes

This is a generic Grade relating to the Course Director/Manager role at Grade VII within the Open Training College. Persons appointed will be assigned an area of responsibility for a defined period. The areas of responsibility assigned may change over time depending on the work of the College.

For the initial period of appointment this post relates to the suite of current and future Higher Education Social Care Programmes run by the College.

The Course Director/Manager has responsibility for the effective day-to-day running, management and on-going development of all aspects of his/her assigned area. As a senior member of the College team, the Course Director/Manager contributes to College management and strategic development including income generation.

Essential Requirements for this post are:

A minimum of five years experience working on the front-line in services for people with a disability and/or in other community/voluntary areas
A primary degree (Level 7 and/or 8) in Social Care/Studies
A Doctorate or PhD (Level 10) in a relevant area (e.g. Social Care/Studies, Education and Training, Equality, Disability, Online Learning, Management, Community Development)
Experience of delivering adult education and/or staff training
Skills relevant to course development (e.g. design, writing, editing)
Excellent organisational, team-working and interpersonal skills
Vision in relation to the ongoing development of services for people with disability and related staff training needs
Experience of the relevant accreditation system i.e. QQI or equivalent
Competence in relation to use of computers for educational purpose
Project management skills and experience

Information on the College: Queries and Job Description

Application by CV to The Open Training College, Prospect Hall Willowfield Park, Goatstown, D.14 or by email to

Closing date: January 22nd 2016

Interviews date: 16th or 17th February 2016 (to be confirmed)

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