Instructor / Trainer required for IT role. Tutors are required to have the CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification and hold the relevant CompTIA A+, Network+ and MTA Sever 2008 qualification. Candidates must hold a training qualification (e.g Train the Trainer, NUI Cert in Training & Continuing Education) and hold subject matter qualifications. Candidates must have a minimum of 5 years training experience after training qualification was obtained as well as industry experience. Trainer/Instructor must have the CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification and hold the relevant CompTIA A+, Network+, Server+, Linux+ or CompTIA Security+ certification. Trainers should have completed the relevant MTA exams, delivered the relevant MTA courses and have a level of certification at least 1 level higher than the MTA certification in the relevant domain.