EU Research Manager – Trinity College Dublin – Dublin 2


The ADAPT Centre, the centre for digital content technology, hosted by the School of Computer Science & Statistics, is seeking to appoint an EU Research Manager. The successful candidate will drive the Centres strategy to secure significant EU grant funding, will manage existing and new research funding awards in Horizon 2020 and will evaluate the success in line with the Centres EUobjectives. This position is funded as a specific role mandated by Science Foundation Ireland so that ADAPT can achieve its significant EU funding targets. The EU Research Manager is responsible for developing and driving the ADAPT Centres strategy for securing significant EU research funding in conjunction with ADAPTs CEO/ Director, Associate Directors and lead PIs. The post holder will work to influence the development of, review, analyse and absorb Work Programmes and Funding calls, and apply expert knowledge of the ADAPT Centre research agenda and strategic awareness to identify funding opportunities.


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