Mental Health Ireland
in association with HSE and NFMHS is recruiting for a part time (18.5 hours a week) Peer Educator to lead and co-manage the development and delivery of the recovery college.
Applicants will have a strong and demonstrable commitment to recovery informed by lived experience of mental health challenges and 2 years experience working in a relevant field or equivalent experience.
The successful candidate must demonstrate:
Personal experience of mental health challenges or family member experience.
A track record and demonstrable competence in the support and development of projects and new initiatives that promote positive mental health.
Experience of group facilitation or similar engagement process with service users and family members as relevant to this role.
Experience of working collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders as relevant to this role.
Personal or family member experience with the Forensic Mental Health Service is a distinct advantage
This position is a 2 year fixed term specific contract post based at the Central Mental Hospital, National Forensic Mental Health Service, Portrane Demesne, Portrane, Co. Dublin, K36FD79.
How to apply:
In order to apply, applicants should send their CV & cover letter highlighting how they meet the above criteria to the following e-mail: