Westmeath Community Development has hours available for qualified primary school teachers in our After School services and Homework Club, based in Athlone.
The positions are available from Monday to Thursday and will be for between 1.5 hours and 2 hours per day, 3pm to 5 pm, and will run parallel will the school calendar. The rate of pay for the post is €23 gross per hour.
Our After-schools projects are funded through the National Childcare Investment Programme, under the Community Childcare Subvention Scheme (CCSS), via POBAL and the Dept of Children and Youth Affairs. The projects are also funded and supported by the Dept. of Social Protection, and by Westmeath County Childcare Committee. Our Homework Club is kindly supported by IPB Insurance.
Our After-School services run from the start of the school year until July, and include camps at Halloween, Easter and in July, when the schools are closed. Services are available 4 hours a day, Monday-Friday during the school year, and include a hot snack, homework supports, art and cultural activities, sports, fun and games.
The role of the teacher will be to provide homework support to the children attending the service.
If you are interested in being considered for these positions please submit a hardcopy of your CV and cover letter to Sinead Casey, Childcare Services Manager, Business Development Centre, Ball Alley Lane, Parnell Square, Athlone, Co Westmeath. For further information please contact 0906494555 / 087 7729172 or email scasey@westcd.ie