Tolka Area Partnership is now inviting applications from suitably qualified individuals / organisations to join an Approved Tutors Panel.
Tolka Area Partnership brings together the community, statutory and social partners; draws up local development plans aimed at reducing disadvantage; and supports and monitors the implementation of agreed plans. In the course of this work Tolka Area Partnership provides supports for our clients in order to improve their skills and to equip them to find work in the current labour market. We are planning on running a number of tailored pre-employment programmes aimed at those clients that are furthest from education/training and/or employment. Through structured activities and interventions the programmes will help develop participants’ self esteem and confidence and equip them with the relevant skills to progress to further education/training opportunities.
With this in mind we invite applications from tutors who can demonstrate experience and expertise in the following areas:
Working with people in a one to one setting/guidance and mentoring context.
Facilitating groups and leading group work.
Working with individuals and groups to increase their motivation, confidence and self esteem.
Working with individuals and groups to identify their education and training needs.
Education/Training design and delivery, particularly in designing tailored programmes to the meet the needs of participants in areas such as personal effectiveness, career preparation, employability skills and work preparation.
Knowledge of education and training pathways to employment.
Experience of working with the formal education system including ETBs.
Knowledge of Department of Social Protection (DSP) and labour market activation programmes.
The successful applicants following Garda vetting will be put on a panel of providers that we may use from time to time in the provision of specific programmes for our clients on a short or medium term basis. All successful applications may be contracted on a self employed basis. It is anticipated that successful applicants will form the nucleus of a team delivering TAP’s Learning and Education programmes up until December 2017.
To apply please email for an application form. Please send two hard copies of your application form and CV to:
Ref 6 Tutor Panel
Tolka Area Partnership
Rosehill House
Finglas Road
Dublin 11
Closing date Friday 18th September 2015 by 4pm