Blanchardstown Area Partnership has expanded its catchment area to include all of County Fingal as part of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP). The Partnership is responsible for a range of programmes to meet the needs of individuals, families and community groups in the area.
To assist Blanchardstown Area Partnership in carrying out its function, the Partnership is seeking tender proposals for the provision of Homecare related training and workshops across Fingal County. Training centres may be in Blanchardstown, Swords and Balbriggan.
All participant recruitment, training room and facilities (projector, refreshments etc.) will be provided by the Partnership.
As a rule, the Partnership does not provide photocopying. However, if certain materials (eg. workbooks) are essential to the session, they can be photocopied.
Each successful trainer is expected to be available to answer further queries from clients. This would generally be done through email or phone support.
Proposed Workshops:
Care Skills – QQI Level 5 – Code: 5N2770
Care Supports – QQI Level 5 – Code: 5N0758
Duration: As per QQI specification
No. of Participants: 10 – 20
Workshops & courses are aimed at those who are currently unemployed who seek to begin a career in the Homecare Sector.
Requirements for Tenders:
Each tender should contain information about history and background of training company, experience, past work and relevant qualifications. Previous experience of working with Partnership target groups would be preferable.
Each workshop/course tendered for should include an outline of proposed programme and learning objectives of each session.
Each successful tender will be expected to provide an outline of each session and a brief biography of each trainer, along with a picture.
The contracted period will run from February 2017 to December 2017.
With regard to costings:
The tender price must be all inclusive, including travel. All tender prices should be clearly shown exclusive of VAT; the VAT rate applicable must be shown separately as appropriate.
All facilities, meeting room, training room and recruitment will be provided for by the Partnership. Invoicing to be submitted per completed workshop.
Freedom of Information:
Blanchardstown Area Partnership undertakes to use its best endeavours to hold confidential any information provided by you, subject to our obligations under the law, including the Freedom of Information Act 1997 and 2003. Should you wish any information supplied not to be disclosed because of its sensitivity you should identify same, and specify the reason(s) for its sensitivity. Whilst this will be taken into consideration, the compliance of the Freedom of Information Act will always take precedence over the release of material.
Procedure for Tenders:
Blanchardstown Area Partnership tendering process is based on principles of value for money, integrity and fairness. Our tender evaluation process takes into account quality, methodology and previous experience with our target groups, in a manner to ensure value for money.
Completed tenders (1 hard copy and 1 copy by email) marked “Healthcare Training Tender” should be forwarded to:
Kathleen Smith
Blanchardstown Area Partnership
Dillon House
106 Coolmine Business Park
Dublin 15
D15 KT2X
Emails to:
Applications should arrive no later than 5.00pm on Friday 17th February 2017. Submissions received after the time and date specified above will not be accepted.