Applications are invited for the following Human Resource Manager, Part time post (3 days per week), 1 year fixed term contract.
The Core Values of Kerry Diocesan Youth Service are:
Young people at the heart of everything we do
Concern for the young person’s development, personal, social, educational and spiritual
Commitment to partnership with young people, volunteers, communities and funders
Upholding quality standards of integrity and professionalism.
This worker will maintain and enhance the organisation human resource service, through strategic planning, employee relations, and human resources policies, practices and procedures.
Applicants should have a 3rd Level Degree in Human Resource Management or related field and be CIPD recognised, and at least 3 years’ experience in a senior HR role.
A panel may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled.
Job Description and Application Form, available to download from, or please email:
Please submit completed Application Form:
On or before: 4 pm, Monday, 15th June 2015