Novas is a national voluntary organisation that provides support and accommodation services to people who are disadvantaged and socially excluded; primarily those who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness. Our mission is to promote social inclusion through Housing, Health, Recovery and our vision is to seek to find lasting solutions to homelessness. McGarry House is a short term accommodation service for homeless men and women in Limerick City. It is the only low threshold STA in the Mid-West and is home to 40 men and women with a variety of complex needs. We provide 24/7 support using evidence based best practise such as harm reduction models and Trauma Informed Care. Our clients have access to an on-site Dual Diagnosis Worker and collaborate with keyworkers to form their own tailored support plans. We work within Novas’ core values of Equality, Diversity, Dignity, Strengths-based and Rights-based service provision. McGarry House is a site in which research regularly takes place, in collaboration with both clients and with staff, particularly in the area of health service provision for marginalised people. We strive to swiftly and effectively adopt new recommendations- our service is fast paced and the environment is ever-changing. We have an in-house peer overdose prevention programme, TOPPLE, the graduates of which work actively to prevent and respond effectively to overdose amongst their peers. This is the first programme of its kind nationally and we are currently in the process of rolling it out to other organisations.
Benefits for Our Staff
McGarry House staff have access to supports such as an Employee Assistance Programme, external supervision and Psychological First Aid. Staff receive a wide variety of on-the-job training, with core training including First Aid, Trauma Informed Care, Motivational Interviewing, MAPA (Management of Actual and Potential Aggression), Overdose Response and Naloxone Administration. They gain a wide range of experience on the front-line- this can act as a springboard for other career opportunities within Novas.
Current Job Opportunities
We are recruiting to form panels for the following positions to fill current vacancies and in the event that further vacancies arise in the next 12 months:
Project Worker (40 hours)
Night Support Worker (20 and 40 hours)
Locum Cook
At present, the following positions are available:
2 X Project Worker (40 hours, Specific Purpose Contract)
1 X Night Support Worker (40 hours, Permanent Contract)
OR 2 X Night Support Worker (20 hours, Permanent Contract)
1 X Locum Cook
For application forms, job descriptions and person specifications, please visit Please return completed applications to by the closing date of Friday, June 28th at midday