Experienced individuals and organisations / services in child and youth facilitation are sought to collaborate with the DCYA Children and Young People’s Participation Hub. The panel of facilitators will support the Hub in responding to requests for services to give children and young people a voice in decision-making.
The DCYA Children and Young People’s Participation Hub has been recently established under a contract with Foróige to support implementation of the first National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision Making (2015-2020). The Hub will become a national centre of excellence and coordination in supporting Government Departments, State agencies and non-government organisations to give children and young people a voice in decision-making on issues that affect their lives, with a particular focus on seldom-heard children and young people.
Individuals selected for this panel maybe called upon to support the Hub in providing facilitation, training or consultancy services for children and young people’s consultative and participative events and initiatives. Applicants must undergo training by the DCYA Participation Hub and have previous experience of facilitation of children and young people.
For full details, proposal specification, requirements and qualification criteria please see attached document.
Application Details:
Please e-mail your written proposal to Orla Campion at orla.campion@foroige.ie. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 12pm on Wednesday, 27th September 2017.