Request for Tender – Tusla, Child and Family Agency

The Area Based Childhood (ABC) Programme, funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) and The Atlantic Philanthropies commenced in 2013. It was designed as a time-bound, co-funding agreement to test and evaluate prevention and early intervention approaches to improve outcomes for children and families in a number of areas of disadvantage. The focus of the work under the ABC Programme covered, in the main: Child Health & Development; Children’s Learning; Parenting; and Integrated Service Delivery.
In November 2017 and January 2018, Minister Katherine Zappone consulted with stakeholders on a vision for the programme’s future, delivering a high quality area-based prevention and early intervention initiative:
Aligned to national policy priorities for children and young people and the eradication of child poverty;
Involving the on-going delivery of innovative measures and the mainstreaming of evidenced practice in a manner that improves outcomes for children and families across all five Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures national outcomes;
Balancing evidenced practice and community building that enhances the participation of children and families in their communities;
Increasing interagency collaboration and integration;
Ensuring effective governance and management;
Mainstreaming of learning and practice within Public Services and State Agencies.
The new programme will include a focus on outcomes relating to the economic security of children and their connection to their respective communities, alongside safety, health and learning outcomes.
This community based prevention and early intervention programme, delivered as the ABC Programme, has been embedded in Tusla since January 2019 as part of the Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Service.

2. Context
The UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre in the compilation of their periodic Report Cards comparing child poverty and well-being in rich countries provides an example of a multi-dimensional approach to measuring child poverty. The UNICEF Report Cards measure child poverty and well-being indicators against six ‘dimensions’:
Material well-being (includes a measurement of ‘relative income poverty’ which is the same as the OECD’s child poverty rate – 50% of median household income)
Health and Safety
Educational well-being
Family and peer relationships
Behaviours and risks
Subjective well-being
These six dimensions align closely with the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures Five National Outcomes;
Active and healthy with physical and mental well being
Achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development
Safe and protected from harm
Have economic security and opportunity
Connected, respected and contributing to their world
In recognition of the higher risks and life-long consequences of child poverty, the Tusla ABC Programme will align with these five national outcomes, identifying child, young person and family well-being indicators under each outcome area to be targeted by the programme.
These national outcomes and the specific objectives of the Tusla ABC Programme agreed by DCYA will inform the development of the Common Measurement Framework, which will be developed
to support the alignment of the ABC programme, Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) Service, and wider national prevention and early intervention initiatives. This Common Measurement Framework will not be stand-alone but will integrate with measurement also taking place at Child and Young People Services Committees (CYPSC) and PPFS at national level, identifying the move towards improved population level outcomes and reduced child poverty.
Common processes and agreed deliverables across the programme to ensure a progressive universal approach to service delivery and agreed process for prioritisation of most at risk children & families will be developed.
Tusla, the DCYA and ABC Managers are working with stakeholders to agree the final outcomes framework. Work undertaken by the Prevention and Early Intervention Network through What Works funding and ABC Managers Forum, will inform the final framework and will be further developed to encompass the broader PPFS Outcomes Measures and will have regard to the national outcomes framework being developed by Tusla, and at CYPSC level.
3. Request for Submission of Proposal
Tusla now invites proposals for the preparation of a Common Measurement Framework which will have the
following specific output:
Identification of Child and population level outcome indicators for each of the agreed ABC outcomes, drawing and building on indicators and measures used to date by the ABC Programme and the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures indicator set.
Identification of specific Area based approaches and interventions to address these indicator areas, in the context of expansion of programme under Tusla’s Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Service, and informed by the NUIG research and synthesis report and the ABC National Evaluation.
Development of a baseline data set under each of the six dimensions across the areas
Development of common measures and common language:
Development of a Common Measurement Framework to measure the impact of the ABC programme on these outcomes at child, family and population level.
Using existing information, ensure the identification and collation of measurement tools that can be utilised by practitioners in each of the areas to assess impact.
Identification and matching of tools and mechanisms to collate data and report on progress and impact, in line with the Common Measurement Framework.
Identification of existing research resources and required resources to ensure consistent resource allocation and the dissemination of learning.
Proposals in respect of an online hosting platform informed by existing developments across Tusla services for management of the Common Measurement Framework
The project should commence in June 2020 and be completed no later than 30 October 2020.
4. Format of Proposal
The proposal will be assessed on an all-inclusive price covering all costs, including, where applicable, VAT, taxes, charges and expenses. The proposal should include:
An outline of the proposed methodology for developing the Framework
A list of all personnel to be involved including their role, qualifications, experience and expected contribution, and the hours expected per person involved
A timeline, with milestones, to deliver an outline, a draft and a final text acceptable to Tusla
Examples of previous work with at least three referees
The identification, and contact details, of a lead person and/or organisation who will be responsible for the contract
A statement and any additional information in support of your proposal
5. Intellectual Property
The intellectual property rights of the Framework are vested in Tusla.
6. Assessment of Proposals and Decision
The contract will be awarded on the basis of the most valid, responsive and economically advantageous tender. The tender will be scored on the basis of:
Cost (30 marks).
Proposed approach, methodology, time table, relevant skills and relevant experience of the personnel carrying out the work (70 marks).
Proposals may be made by individuals, an organisation or company, a group, or as a part of a joint venture. A single point of contact is required for all aspects of the contract, including payment. Queries may be submitted to and will be accepted up to 5pm on Thursday 14th May.
A minimum of three referees is required. Prices are to be expressed in Euro only and exclusive of VAT, citing the relevant VAT rate. All prices quoted are to be valid for 3 months. All necessary equipment and facilities to complete the work will be provided by the proposer. Payment will only be considered where suitable evidence of tax compliance has been provided. The successful proposer will agree a work programme for the project with Tusla.

Please note:
Tusla reserves the right to end this process at any time. The proposer is responsible for and indemnifies Tusla against any costs incurred in the preparation of response to the request for a proposal.
7. Return of Proposals
Proposals should be submitted by email only to
Please mark Common Measurement Framework in the subject of the email.
Proposals must be received to Tusla no later than 17:00 on 14th May 2020.

8. Interviews
Due to current circumstance Interviews scheduled to take place week beginning 18th May, may be held virtually.


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