Request for Tenders for the Development of a Business Plan – Tusla

1. Background
Tusla is the statutory body with responsibility for children in Ireland, operating within the policy framework developed by DCYA. Tusla requires optimum information, data management and data analytics tools to ensure effective planning of services for children locally, regionally and nationally. The National Data & Information Hub Project will ensure that Tusla can better fulfil its responsibilities by establishing state of the art data platforms through which it can better plan its services. Importantly Tusla will develop these vital planning tools for all partners within the Children and Young Persons Service Committees (CYPSC’s)[1]. The project is being piloted in eleven CYPSC’s[2] in Year 1 with a budget of €250,000.

An Implementation / process study is being completed which will assess the optimum methodology for the mainstreaming of the pilot across all CYPSC’s from 2018 based on the experience of implementation of the pilot programme.

2. Request for Submission of Proposal
Tusla now invites proposals for the preparation of a Business Plan which will have the following specific output:

A Business Plan which will set out how the pilot project can be effectively mainstreamed across all CYPSC areas nationally based on the learning from the Implementation Process Study. This Business Plan will include all necessary implementation support documentation including a project management framework:
Five year Business Plan
Governance Framework, Project Management Framework including but not limited to Logical Framework, Organisational Charts, Gantt Charts, five year Implementation Plan, draft Monitoring Plan and Monitoring Indicator Sets.
Five year financial file including but not limited to annual income and expenditure projections, multi annual resource identification and resource management plans (by donor and sector).
Relevant Appendices – Needs Analysis, SWOT Analysis.
It is intended that this will provide the basis for the national implementation of the pilot project currently underway. The selected Consultant(s) will be expected to develop the above documentation with specific reference to the conclusions of the Implementation Process Study.

A separate tender notice is being issued for that formal process/implementation study and consultant(s) can consider applying for both tenders.

The project should be completed within the timeframe of the pilot project and not later than June 2018.

3. Format of Proposal
The proposal will be assessed on an all-inclusive price covering all costs, including, where applicable, VAT, taxes, charges and expenses. The proposal should include:

an outline of the Business Plan and the proposed methodology for developing the Plan
a list of all personnel to be involved including their role, qualifications, experience and expected contribution, and the hours expected per person involved
a timeline, with milestones, to deliver an outline, a draft and a final text acceptable to Tusla
examples of previous work with at least three referees
the identification, and contact details, of a lead person and/or organisation who will be responsible for the contract
a statement and any additional information in support of your proposal
4. Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights of the Business Plan are vested in Tusla which can, at its discretion, grant a licence to the consultant to publish the Business Plan.

5. Assessment of Proposals and Decision
The contract will be awarded on the basis of the most valid, responsive and economically advantageous tender. The tender will be scored on the basis of:

Cost (30 marks).
Proposed approach, methodology, time table, relevant skills and relevant experience of the personnel carrying out the work (70 marks).
Proposals may be made by individuals, an organisation or company, a group, or as a part of a joint venture. A single point of contact is required for all aspects of the contract, including payment. Queries may be submitted to and will be accepted up to close of business on 21 August 2017.

A minimum of three referees is required. Prices are to be expressed in Euro only and exclusive of VAT, citing the relevant VAT rate. All prices quoted are to be valid for 3 months. All necessary equipment and facilities to complete the work will be provided by the proposer. Payment will only be considered where suitable evidence of tax compliance has been provided. The successful proposer will agree a work programme for the project with Tusla.

Please note: Tusla reserves the right to end this process at any time. The proposer is responsible for and indemnifies Tusla against any costs incurred in the preparation of response to the request for a proposal.

6. Return of Proposals
Proposals should be submitted by email only to Please mark ‘O4C Business Plan’ in the subject of the email.

Proposals must be received to Tusla no later than 17:00 on 7 September 2017.

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