The ideal candidate will have:
Leaving certificate and Business Administration QQ1 5 (Minimum Qualification).
Knowledge and several years’ experience of using Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Email.
Knowledge of the Health Service/ Disability Services and dealing with the public in a healthcare environment an advantage.
The ability to work on one’s own initiative and or as part of a team in a busy healthcare environment.
This post will be based in Head Office in Charleville initially but the occupant will be required to change location to work with a disability team/ teams when Progressing Disability services is configured in North Cork.
Informal enquiries to Ms. Mary O’Dwyer Children’s Services Manager
Department of Health & Children Salary Scales01/04/ 2017 apply.
A full Irish/EU Driving Licence & Indemnification of the Foundation on your car insurance policy is a
requirement for the posts.
Panels of suitably qualified persons may be formed from which further vacancies may be filled.
Curriculum Vitae to be forwarded by e-mailing
Closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 31/07/2020