Employment, Activities and Training Facilitator – Galway Simon Community – Galway

Job Purpose:

To support clients of Galway Simon Community to assess their preferences, skills and meaningful use of time activities. To develop individualised plans with clients around person centred activity, training and employment preparation programmes and co-ordinate a range of activities with and for clients of Galway Simon Community including leisure and personal development programmes. To facilitate access to a range of work related training programmes and employment opportunities.
Main duties & Responsibilities:

Activity planning:

Develop a service model that supports and facilitates clients to access a range of internal and external activities and programmes that respond to their training, education and employment needs.
Identify the specific requirements of clients for meaningful use of time related opportunities through close liaison with the client, Occupational Therapist and service teams.
Develop and coordinate a range of internal activities based on identified client needs and expressions of interest.
Provide clients with detailed outlines of what engagement in the service entails; expectations around attendance, commitment, details of training and work placements and support available to assist them.
Develop pathways for clients to education, employment and training by developing strong strategic links with relevant external agencies (e.g. GRETB, LESN, Employability, schools & colleges).
Maintain high levels of communication with external agencies by keeping updated with any opportunities, developments or changes that are occurring externally.
Promote the service to internal and external stakeholders ensuring ongoing involvement of clients, staff and strategic partners in accessing and developing the service.
Work with the volunteer co-ordinator to identify volunteers who may be suitable to mentor and support clients as required and appropriate to client’s needs.
To maintain regular contact with Team Leaders/ Key Workers /Care Workers to encourage participation of clients and facilitate feedback and information sharing of need for further activity development.
Identify the resources required to carry out any activity programmes developed internally including: volunteers required, facilities required including transport, venues, funding etc.
Applying for funding, grants or other opportunities which arise to pay for provision of activities
Develop a comprehensive database capturing client needs, referrals made, activities developed, external agencies accessed and client engagement with the service.
Researching other service models to inform ongoing service development.
Develop a means of communicating regularly with clients and update regularly highlighting other activities, programmes, events, courses or new services clients could attend external to Galway Simon Community.


Develop a network of contacts and good working relationships with external agencies including VEC, LES, Employability, Voluntary and Community Organisations, training providers, schools and colleges.
Attend any relevant meetings, conferences, seminars and training to enhance the opportunity for networking.

Admin / Finance / Record keeping / Reports:

High levels of administrative skills and record keeping
Develop and maintain a contacts database for employers, training providers, participants, volunteers etc.
Generate statistics on usage levels, participant profiles, trends and outcomes for both individual participants and the wider participant group
Work within budget
Prepare monthly reports

Team Work:

Work to best practice standards and guidelines as developed by Galway Simon Community and other external quality assurance standards and guidelines.
Participate in relevant meetings in all areas of the role via activities, employment and training
Work co-operatively with the team leaders, Occupational Therapist, key workers and housing staff to promote the program, encourage and support clients to attend training and engage in work related activities, placements etc.
Carry out any other appropriate work as requested by the supervisor.
Liaise with fundraising team to avoid duplication of approaches to existing supporters/ donors and in seeking possible funding opportunities.
Liaise with Galway Simon’s Volunteer Co-ordinator for providing volunteers to support the program.

Health & Safety:

Comply with all health & safety standards, policies and procedures and work with due regard their own safety and the safety of others.
Participate in courses pertaining to health & safety and manual handling and other priority training.

Professional Development:

Participate in the supervision process.
Identify relevant training for the role.
Identify relevant research pertaining to the area of meaningful use of time activities, employment and training.

Person specification:

Essential Criteria:

A minimum of three years’ experience working in a similar role, ideally within a social care setting.
Degree in social care or a related discipline including community development and education
Knowledge and experience of a variety of services within the field of social care, homelessness and social housing.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
High level of problem solving and organisational skills
Ability to take initiative
Advocacy skills
High level of administrative needs
Excellent professional boundaries
Full clean driving licence
Own car

To apply:

All applications must be submitted on the Galway Simon Community application form which is available through our website at www.galwaysimon.ie

Applications must be submitted to jobs@galwaysimon.ie.

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